Sunday, January 26, 2014

Healthy Body Image Challenge Day 1: Confession "I have fat ankles"

I decided to not just say "better body image", but healthy body image. The goal is to really be happy with who I am (or anyone else reading this to be happy with who they are) which means having a healthy attitude about your body. You are no longer coveting what anyone else has. You are happy and ecstatic with the person that you are.

Just as an addendum to yesterday, I am not trying to just be happy with what I am right now if I feel like I need to still lose some weight. I think it is healthy to want to be your best self. I just don't want someone else telling me what my best self should be or should look like. I know my body's limitations and what will never be. For example, my inherited family trait that I don't love is fat ankles or "cankles" as I heard from some of my guy friends (your calf just goes straight to your ankle).

Some guys I knew used that as a way to know if a girl would be fat later on. They used it as a determination of F.P. (Fat Potential) It totally ruined my self-image in college and I blamed it on the fact that no one wanted to date me or marry me. Thank goodness my husband knew nothing of this "cankle" business. I asked him about it later and he thought it was ridiculous. (This is why I love him!) I know a lot of skinny people with fat ankles. The first thing for me to know and understand is that my ankles are not particularly skinny and will never be. That might lead to the fact that I don't love my legs, but let's just start with my ankles. I know that I cannot change how they look (wide), but I do know that I can change how my legs look, leading to a slimmer version of my ankle. I know I am using my other cousins and aunts as examples (and I just said, don't look at others), but I can because they have the same genetics that I do. I know theirs look skinnier, so therefore, mine can too. Also, I have already seen it on my own body, I just need to remember it.

Here is a more positive light on my ankles:
  • Because they are "bigger" it is easier for me to balance in dance
  • I have strong calves because of it
  • When I wear heels, you can't tell as much :)
  • They help me to run
  • I should be better to them and strengthen them because I sprained my right ankle in a soccer game about 12 years ago. It still hurts since then, but I know if I strengthen it, then it will be better in dance, running, etc.
  • My ankles help me to walk and get to places. I am grateful for them
What can I do to strengthen and slim down my ankles? Being a dancer, I've done lots of things.
  1. In the morning I try to do calf raises while brushing my teeth. I do them in 1st position (jazz) with my feet facing forward, and in 1st position turnout (ballet). This has helped me with running and dance. I also notice that it does not hurt as much when I strengthen them. When I was taking aerobics at BYU a long time ago, someone told me that when your joints pop (from an injury) if you strengthen it, it will stop. I need to work on that more because I tried it and it lessened the pain.
  2. Point and Flex: This comes from dance training. I will do this going forward and in turnout. Just sit on the ground in pike position (or you can do this with your back on the ground and your feet straight up in the air). With your feet straight up (as if you were standing) that is flex. Roll through your foot starting from the heel and point with your toes at the end, point straight. Reverse to flex position and repeat. 10 times is usually good. 3 sets of 10 is awesome and you will feel it in your ankles and legs. Turnout is good too because it hits different parts of the ankles. As you get good and want to add strength, try using an exercise band.
  3. Balance is also key for your ankles. Try balancing on one foot. See how long you can hold it. Then balance on the other foot. Next, try it with your eyes closed. It gets a little bit harder. If you really want to try balance, go on your toes (dance relevĂ©) and balance on each leg. Hold your arms to your side for balance or in first position ballet in front of you.
  4. Finally, you want to keep your ankles loose and limber. In dance, we rotate our ankles. Pop one of your feet up (on your toes) and rotate your ankle out to the side and then in. Do this about 8 times, then reverse. Rotate inside out. Then switch feet and rotate out, then in.
This was good for me to write down. I forgot all of the different strength exercises I can do for my ankles. I am actually excited to do this each day. Besides the point and flex, you can do most of these as you are getting ready in the morning. While you are blow drying your hair, curling your hair, doing your make-up, or even while you are in the shower. The point and flex could actually be done in bed while you are waking up in the morning. (Gives you an excuse to stay in bed a little bit longer.)

Why do I want to strengthen my ankles? Because they help me with balance, keep me from falling, help me to run, dance, walk, swim, jump, AND they are an important part of my body. I want them to fulfill their function that they have been given and make them the best they can be.

Now I know that not everyone has fat ankles, but maybe you have weak ankles or you just want to be able to balance better. I hope this helped in that sense.

I guess in an essence, the first healthy body image challenge is to come to reality with one of your body parts that you cannot change. Some people will come up with parts of their bodies that they don't like, but can't strengthen (i.e. nose; on a lighter note you could flare your nostrils). This might be harder to deal with and figure out how to be happy with it. Everyone has their own different journey, but in the end, love who you are and what your family genetics have given to you. Use it as a strength, not a weakness.

Please comment if you have any other strength exercises for ankles. I am sure there are plenty that I have not written, but most of the ones I can think of are strength exercises for other parts of the body as well (squats, jumps, jumping jacks, etc.) Now that I think about it, ankles are very important for all other parts. I remember how hard it was to get around when I sprained my ankle. It was not fun. Show your ankles that you love them and take care of them!

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