Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Healthy Body Image Challenge Day 4: "Overcoming Obstacles"

Overcoming Obstacle #1
I went to the doctor's today for a post check up (after the antibiotic regiment) to see that the pneumonia was all gone. My oxygen levels were good: 98%, breathing was good (no wheezing or crackles). They took an x-ray to check and make sure everything was gone. I had a scary thought that it might be something worse (I still had cold symptoms), but that was just my imagination going wild. The doctor looked at them and said from what she could see, I was fine, but the final opinion would come from the radiologist on Friday. Until then, I am supposed to still take it easy and treat the symptoms.

I was glad that I was able to go to Young Women's tonight. They were making some cute pictures of the Plan of Salvation for one of the Personal Progress Values (Faith #6). They are talented girls. They were painting on canvases and cutting up pictures. I left early since I wasn't 100%, so I'll have to make mine later.

I am so grateful for my body's immune system. It definitely helped me to get better. I need to take better care of my body though so it doesn't get run down like it was. My immune system does not always get thanked until I am sick. I am grateful for what it does daily to keep me from getting sick. They are my own personal warriors against diseases.

Overcoming Obstacle #2
Motivation to Keep Going:
I know it's only Day 4 and I'm already starting to lose the motivation to keep going with thinking better about my body. Seeing my weight today, did not help that either. Here is a quote that I got today that might help me to keep going. I will end with that thought.

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